Help Us Accomplish Our Tennessee Land Preservation Goals


For All of Us

RecreationU strives to preserve and protect our natural areas by providing a variety of safe, quality outdoor experiences through a well-planned and professionally managed system of events and preservation campaigns.







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We Have the Power to Impact Our Future, and We’re Doing Something About It Through Tennessee Land Preservation

RecreationU helps people live an environmentally conscious life.

Tennessee Hiking Trails

With over 1,000 great hiking trails in Tennessee, opportunities suited to your style and abilities are but a short drive away. Walking, running, or riding, Tennessee has you covered.

Day Trips In Tennessee

Composed of three regions called the three Grand Divisions. West, Middle, and East Tennessee is home to the most caves of any state in the nation and over 500 waterfalls.

Tennessee Historic Sites

From battlefields, museums, homes, and more, there are chances to explore and learn about the history of Tennessee. Spend a day exploring all that the state has to offer. You will not be disappointed.

Tennessee State Parks

Tennessee boasts 56 unique parks located throughout the state with a variety of activities to enjoy. The state natural areas offer opportunities for everything from boating to waterfalls. The best state parks in Tennessee are waiting for you now.

Happening Now

Learn How Tennessee Hunting Laws Preserve Wildlife

Learn How Tennessee Hunting Laws Preserve Wildlife

Tennessee wildlife management areas (WMA’s) provide safe and well-managed regions for hunters of all types. The state has created four WMA Regions and enacted hunting regulations to ensure the sustainability of hunting wildlife. Through licensing, permits, education, and managed hunts, Tennessee’s WMA Regions are self-sustainable.

Land Use Zoning Advantages And Disadvantages

Land Use Zoning Advantages And Disadvantages

Zoning outlines land uses to prevent urban growth from creating adverse conditions. Zoning should result in patterns that are harmonious with the surrounding areas. Historically, the preference for mixed uses is the reason why zoning laws fail to achieve their goals.

Instantly Double Your Impact

RecreationU Board Members  Will Match Every $1 Donated in 2021!







“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

- Margaret Mead

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